Greetings my fellow Rotarians,
It is a great honour for the Rotary Club of Johor Bahru to have been nominated and chosen to host the District 3310, 34th Presidents-Elect Training Seminar and District Training Assembly. It is certainly one of the most important events on the calendar within our District, as it brings together the future leaders of District 3310 under one roof to be shaped and moulded to lead all of us into the new Rotary year 2024-2025.
We are lucky to have a number of senior Rotarians in our club and the district who have given both their time and expertise to assist our club host what we hope will be an exciting and meaningful PETS & DTA. My thanks goes out to all my club members who volunteered to assist our Organising Chairman, PP Freddie Lee in this endeavour. We are also thankful to the Convenor, DGE Dr Yap Lip Kee for his keen guidance and support throughout this endeavour.
This year’s PETS & DTA will serve as a platform for Rotarians to learn about the organisation’s current initiatives, best practices, and strategies for effective community service. It aims to be a comprehensive training program that covers topics such as leadership development, project planning and implementation, fundraising, public relations and membership growth.
One of the key aspects of the PETS & DTA is the opportunity it provides for networking and collaboration. Rotarians attending the assembly have the chance to interact with fellow Rotarians from all over the district, share experiences and exchange ideas. This cross-pollination of ideas often leads to the development of innovative projects and the forging of lasting partnerships.
We hope that the participants will enjoy the keynote speakers, who are accomplished leaders in their respective fields. It will provide opportunities to attend informative workshops and breakout sessions, where they can learn about emerging trends, innovative projects and effective strategies for community development. It will also emphasize the importance of Rotary’s core values, which include ethical conduct, integrity and service above self.
The Rotary PETS & DTA is undoubtedly a transformative experience for Rotarians. It equips them with the knowledge, skills and inspiration needed to lead their clubs and communities effectively. Through this training, Rotary International continues to create a global network of empowered leaders who work tirelessly to create a better world.
In conclusion, this event plays a crucial role in shaping and empowering Rotary leaders. It offers a platform for learning, collaboration and recognition, while also reinforcing the organisation’s core values. With the knowledge and inspiration gained from this assembly, Rotarians are better equipped to address the pressing challenges of our time and make a lasting difference in their communities.
We hope you enjoy your time with us here in Johor Bahru. Our club wishes you every success in your future Rotary journey!
Yours in Rotary,
Dr Vishwadeep Singh Sandhu
Host Club President
Rotary Club of Johor Bahru