
Registrants - Details Record

Rotary Club Of Singapore East

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No. Ref ID Participant Name Badge Name DA
PETS Governor's Banquet Welcoming Dinner
1.DTA2025-W3HZHSTan ClaraClara Tan100
2.DTA2025-9DUEU5Karen Lynn Lynn KeeKaren Kee000
3.DTA2025-BMGAMVBROWN PereiraBrown000
4.DTA2025-38572YJoehan TohkingkeoJoehan000
5.DTA2025-NYZ75WIan TanIan Tan 000
6.DTA2025-5DXV6PMax LumMax Lum000
7.DTA2025-MVQWLZDarshana SenaratnaDarshana 000
8.DTA2025-DWR67LJerry  ChanJERRY CHAN 000

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Host Club:
Rotary Club of Pasir Gudang Mandarin