
Registrants - Details Record

Rotary Club Of Singapore

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No. Ref ID Participant Name Badge Name DA
PETS Governor's Banquet Welcoming Dinner
1.DTA2025-8ZMHH4Shahul HameedDGE Dr Shahul110
2.DTA2025-FR6YMUSonali SinhaSonali Sinha100
3.DTA2025-NFTVBWLouis  LimLouis Lim 011
4.DTA2025-LZC8WRMansoor HassanbhaiMansoor000
5.DTA2025-YLN9XZJeyanthi Mala Rama KrishnanJeyanthi011
6.DTA2025-U64PBWLynn YeohLynn Chenyu 011
7.DTA2025-9FKABFGrace RoacheGrace000
8.DTA2025-LH7EEXVictor Jose AfricaVJ000
9.DTA2025-QSA9FVMark WangPP Mark000
10.DTA2025-G4DSLGSuzanne NgRtn000
11.DTA2025-735YBFJames LeeJames100
12.DTA2025-B84DNCTing Yong OngTing Yong000
13.DTA2025-UYWGP8Mukundan Appadurai Paramashivan Mukund000

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Host Club:
Rotary Club of Pasir Gudang Mandarin