15th November 2013 (Friday)

Grand Margherita Hotel Poolside Buffet Dinner
Dress Code: Smart Casual

Master of Ceremony PP Aw Tai Hui & PP Dr. Samuel Kiyui
16:00 - 19:00 House of Friendship Grand Margherita Hotel
Pelagus Room (3rd Floor)
19:15 Arrival of Rotarians and Spouses Grand Margherita Hotel
Poolside Buffet Dinner
19:30 Arrival of Rotary International District 3310 Governor
Chew Ghim Bok & District First Lady Phyllis

19:45 President Patrick Luk welcome all delegates
Buffet Dinner Commences
Presentation Of Golf Prizes & Entertainment
20:30 Signing Ceremony of Sisterhood Agreement between Rotary Club of Kuching Central and Rotary Club of Bandar Seri Begawan
  Promotion of RI 2014, Sydney Convention and District Conference