Advisors  DG Chew Ghim Bok, 
PDG Datuk Stephen Wan Ullok,
PDG Abang Nawawi Abang Drahman,
PDG Edward Sung Burongoh,
PDG Datuk Haji Zainie Abdul Aucasa
DGE Andre Suharto
Spouse Program Advisor DFL Phyllis Wong
Chairman President Patrick Luk
Organising Chairperson  PP Sylvester Fong
Deputy Chairperson PP Chieng  Lee Ching
Souvenir Programme PP Chieng Lee Ching,  Rtn Clarence Yong
Secretary Rtn Benjamin Lo
Treasurer  PP Sim Cho Phong
Promotion & Registration Rtn Clarence Yong,  Rtn Gary Chieng (for Sabah & Labuan), PP Albert Tan (for Brunei)    
Publicity and Public Relations Rtn Dato Steve Ng
Project Chairperson Rtn Dato Steve Ng
Golf Fellowship Coordinator Rtn Louis Yong,   PP Kho Ping
Tours and Recreational Activities Rtn Alan Poh, PP Audrey Wan Ulok
Food & Beverages PP Frankie Ong
Program / Assembly Coordinator

IPP Dr Willie Lau, Rtn Alan Poh

Advertisements PP Thomas Ngu, PP Chieng  Lee Ching
Hotel , logistics & Transportation Rtn Richard Wong, Rtn Alan Poh
House of Friendship PP KC Wong, PP Thomas Ngu, Rtn Ng Yaw Hua
MC and speakers arrangements PP Aw Tai Hui
Gifts for Participants and Guests FL Lucy Hii, Tiong Siew Ing
Spouse Program  FL Lucy Hii, Norzan Bujang, Tiong Siew Ing
Sergeant –at- Arms  PP Wong Kho Ching, Rtn Major Francis

 Rtn Benjamin Lo, Rtn Andrew Chong, Rotarian Spouse Pauline Pui


President Patrick Luk, PE Louis Yong

Coordinator ( Guest Relations) PP Leslie Phuan
Coordinator (  Rotary Singing ) PE Louis Yong
Coordinator ( Equipment ) Rtn Alex Koh
Coordinator ( Registration Desk ) Rtn Major Francis Ng, PP Chai Ko Jee